Posts in Photography

A Foodies dream – Part One: On the way to Food Camp, a stop in Bolzano.

There we are, all packed ready to go to Italy for 5 days of Food Camp, cooking, drinking, visiting local food and wine producers….(I’ll talk[…]

Stops in Düsseldorf and Cologne, Germany

Düsseldorf and Cologne lie very close to each other in Western Germany, in the Rhine region. We happen to have friends in both cities, Doris[…]

Noma by Ditte Isager

I know, this is nothing new. But it is always such a pleasure to look at this work again and again….. All Photographs © Ditte

Peter Lippman, Food Photography series

A website worth checking out, discovered while browsing the Marabout cuisine tweets: The Pierre Gagnaire series is, I find, very very beautiful. Photography by[…]