Posts by fab

What’s cooking?

First of all….Happy New Year! I hope 2023 will bring joy, creativity, fulfilment and closure, positivity and openness among other things 🙂 It has been[…]

Tarte with almond cream and apples

I love tartes! their crusty dough, the sweetness of the almond cream and the acidity of the fruits. Served with a simple crème fraîche..hmmm…. Here,[…]

Almond cake. Simple and delicious

This is a delicious and very simple cake. You can make it together with your child if your are in lock down (like us) and[…]

Dessert: chocolate Sichuan pepper mousse, crème anglaise with kefir leaves, dark slaty crumble and chocolate meringue

This is a delicious dessert and a great basis to decline the mousse and the crème anglaise (custard) using various spices. You can prepare it[…]

Joey Passarella from Louis Pretty cooking at FvF

I have known Joey for a long time, we worked together at Nosh in Prenzlauer berg over a decade ago.We would argue on a daily[…]

Strawberry Tart

Some people might think ” Strawberry tart, easy!”. Make the dough, add some vanilla custard and top it with strawberries. Well, yeah, but it takes[…]

Pop Up Dinner

I would like to thank every body who came to our dinner Pop Up Dinner on saturday. It was great. I hope you enjoyed it[…]

Yummy Veggie Club meets Fabàtable Saturday the 28th of May@Agora

Thanks everybody for your interest! We’d like to ask everybody who hasn’t already done so to confirm your reservation by sending a quick email to[…]

Fabàtable meets Yummy Veggie Club @ Agora Café Berlin Neuköln on the 28th of May

Yummy Veggie Club and Fabàtable are hosting a special evening, bringing together our passions for vegetarian food and desserts. You will find a half/half menu, with[…]

Madeleine, Blueberries and Lemon Mousse Cake

After being asked many times to give the recipe of this cake, it took me a while..sorry about that!  but rather late than never…. This[…]

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