Fabàtable Studio - work in progress

Togetherness is a beautiful thing

Photography and Social Media

I take care of your business’ visual presentation to the community. I am your partner in the creation of your presence on Social Media by displaying your work for you.


Get some travel tips and perhaps some ideas for your next visit abroad. I like to share some of my favourite destinations.

Food Photography – Content creation – Styling

Food – Photography

Content Creation /Social media

Styling / Recipe developper

Explore the recipes from the blog

What’s cooking?

First of all….Happy New Year! I hope 2023 will bring joy, creativity, fulfilment and closure, positivity and openness among[…]

Tarte with almond cream and apples

I love tartes! their crusty dough, the sweetness of the almond cream and the acidity of the fruits. Served[…]

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