Tag: pistachio

  • Fabàtable in SISTER Magazine

    Still from the Rose Bakery book “Breakfast. Lunch. Tea”. You should try making the pistachio cake. Look at the recipe on SISTER Magazine.  It’s so delicious it’s hard not to take another piece. But once you know how much butter there is, you think twice about it……..


  • Raspberry tartlets – pistachio crème pâtissière

    Raspberry tartlets – pistachio crème pâtissière

    In search of new inspiration I got myself a few Pâtisserie books. One of then is Philippe Conticini’s “Sensations“. It is full of amazing recipes, creativity and complicated combinations, which happen, for some of them, to be a real challenge. Having friends over for diner is always the perfect opportunity to practice and observe the…